Professional Headshot

Hi, I'm Mo,

an Olin College mechanical and computer engineering student looking to get into robotics.


Here's some of my most recent work ranging from mechanical to software to electrical. Click on the image to read about it. Click below to see more of it.

Automated Poker Dealer

Principles of Integrated Engineering: Making an automated poker dealer and table.

VORA: Voice-Operated Robot Assistant

An Introduction to Computational Robotics: Classifying and using voices to control a robot to retrieve a cup with ROS2, TensorFlow, and Python.

MKVI Service Section

Designed and built mechanical implementation of the electrical safety and management system of Olin's sixth Formula One car.

Portfolio Website

A dynamic website for displaying portfolio projects made from scratch with Flask, Django, and Bootstrap.

Contact Me

I am open to work! Please use the icons on the right side of the navbar to contact me.